Wake-Up Call | Acrylic by Lee Rawn

Wake-Up Call | Acrylic by Lee Rawn

An interesting event is taking place in the month of November. It’s National Novel Writing Month, (NaNoWriMo). There’s a challenge to write a 50,000 word novel in a month. Now, 50,000 words isn’t really enough for a novel, but it’s a very good start. 

 Although November is always a busy time for me, I’ve decided to give it a whirl. The local library here in Nelson will be supporting writers, who accept the challenge, by offering their facilities twice a week from 5 to 8pm. Obviously it will take more time than that to accomplish the goal, but meeting at the library offers the energy of enthusiastic writers in one room. I think it will be an excellent encouragement.

 The prize for writing 50,000 words is 50,000 words. If writers don’t reach the goal, they will still have a great start on their novel. Win/Win. 

 The starter pistol fires at one minute after midnight, Nov 1st. So, sugared up from Halloween, I will sprint into action. Wish me luck.

 This is an international organization. Anyone who is interested can join in. There’s no cost. It might be just what’s needed to start the novel you’ve had percolating in your head. 

 Here’s the website: https://www.nanowrimo.org









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