Writing Groups Enhance Your Writing Skills
Writing groups can provide valuable insight and ideas. As writing is a solitary endeavor, a writing group can also offer social stimulation, coaxing you away from your hermitage.
But what does a writing group do?
Every group is different. Some are genre specific, others are open to all forms of writing. Some writers are looking for critiquing. Whatever your preference, You’ll find a cache of knowledge in a writers group. Each person brings something of value. Even someone new to writing can bring insight through comments or questions.
I enjoy mixing it up with some time allotted for critiquing, some writing exercises using prompts or free writing, and also sharing gems that we may have picked up along the way.
If you aren’t already in a group, you can form one or join one. Advertise in the paper or social media. Ask a writer about writing activities in your community.
I always leave a meeting feeling energetic and eager to go home and write.
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