Writing Tip Weekly / Unique Approach
Writing tip weekly stretched into writing tip monthly. Sometimes life takes over in a big way, and one must ride out the storm. During my absence, I did, at least, think about writing. -And that counts.
Once I had the pleasure of taking a writing workshop with Terry Brooks, a successful fantasy writer. His process entails a lot of dreaming. While sitting on a beach in Hawaii, he took a call on his cell. The caller asked what he was up to. “Writing,” was his reply.
Everyone has their own approach to writing. Sometimes suggestions are helpful, but in the end you do whatever works for you. In past posts, I’ve talked about first outlining your book, putting the sequence in order.
For me, I do put together an outline, but its sketchy. Once I start writing, I find the characters also have a say in the direction of the story. This is due to their own personalities and characteristics. How they would react in a given situation also steers the story. So go ahead and create an outline, but be amenable to unexpected ideas and directions.
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