Writing Tip weekly/ What’s Your Style?
In writing, style is the way you use words and sentences. As you write, your style will unfold naturally. To build your style, be sure to write simply and clearly.
Get to the point. Use a shorter word when it does the same job as a longer choice. Pare down the adverbs and adjectives. Description is necessary and desirable, but avoid overwhelming your reader with too much. Once I get the gist of a wordy description, I often skip to the action.
Check out something you’ve written. Ask yourself what sentences you can do without? Are your paragraphs varied? Read the paragraph and listen to the rhythm. Too many sentences with the same length can sound choppy. A string of long sentences could cause drowsiness.
A writing style will emerge the more you write without you even being aware that it has happened.
“I enjoy your writing style,” someone may say.
“I have a writing style?”………You bet.
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